转业干部吴峥,上任乡长第一天就遭遇下马威,凭着强势的手腕展开绝地反击,一步一个脚印,踏上权利巅峰。 在向上攀登的同时,高官千金是他的红颜,集团女总裁是他的知己,他和这些人共通努力,让老百姓过上辛福生活。
普通的一天,一如往常一样下班。 突然感慨起了世界的宏伟,却被货车撞飞并穿越到了一个异世界,成为了兽人们口中的贤者。 本想着就这样种种田造造房子,奈何这个世界的挑战却不这么想。 优秀杰出且睿智的我,被人绑架了。 从穿越以来满眼都是绿皮兽人的我,从未想过这片领土上竟然还有如此美丽动人的魔族领主。 而魔族领主也从未想过一个看似弱不禁风的人类,竟然有着超越文明的智慧和远见。 激活了机甲系统的我,不但帮助领主促进了领地的经济,还为他们抵御外敌。 领主激动地唱着歌曲跑着跳,兴奋地跪在死去的国王父亲面前,含着泪说自己当初的决定是多么正确。 我欣慰的笑了。 唉,穿越者的生活,是多么的朴实无华,且枯燥。
重活一世,李思凝加入了从未涉足的娱乐圈。 没金主没后台,被压票被抢资源,镜头一剪没,她正感叹娱乐圈真难混,前夫横空出世。 周奕辰:“想红吗?我捧你。” 李思凝心想:“上辈子被你坑惨了,这回打死不从!” 周奕辰:“你爸欠的高利贷不还了?你奶奶动手术的钱不要了?弟弟不上幼儿园了?” 李思凝欲哭无泪:“还来这招!有完没完?” 怪就怪自己重生的这张脸正好“又”长得像他爱而不得的白月光,咦……她怎么说又?咬牙一想,不就是做替身吗?又不是没做过! 他却抱着她痛哭:“原谅我!是我错了!我爱的是你啊!一直都是你!” 迟来的深情比草贱,李思凝想说,您哪儿凉快滚哪去吧!
转业干部吴峥,上任乡长第一天就遭遇下马威,凭着强势的手腕展开绝地反击,一步一个脚印,踏上权利巅峰。 在向上攀登的同时,高官千金是他的红颜,集团女总裁是他的知己,他和这些人共通努力,让老百姓过上辛福生活。
林枫云淡风轻地说:“我宁愿战死战场,也不愿客死花乡!战场才是我的归宿,温柔乡什么的对我来说太奢侈!” 小弟段正纯一脸懵逼:“老大,嫂子刚才叫你早点回家吃饭……” “我了个去!你咋不早说!” ———— 回到都市的兵王,本以为自己终于可以过上轻松安逸的退休生活。然而他没想到,都市里的温柔乡比硝烟弥漫的战场更令他焦头烂额……
一朝穿越,阴差阳错上错了花轿,嫁错了郎君。 这郎君他还有朵心心念念的白莲花。 她本想着怎样才能溜之大吉,谁想,却被某只恶狼盯上,不但和离不了,床榻都快下不了! 摔!她还就不信这个邪了! “世子,请赐休书一封!” “休书没有,婚书千万!” “世子,做人留一线,日后好相见!” 某世子闻言直接翻身将人压下,勾唇一笑:“我也觉得,日……后确实好相见!”
中秋之夜,皓月当空。永安宫灯火辉煌好似天上宫阙。宫前琼台之上群臣冠带粲然,美人歌舞蹁跹,好一派长安风流,大唐盛世气象。 江小白手举金樽对月吟到:“长安一片月,万户捣衣声。邦邦,邦邦邦。咚咚,咚,咚,咚~~~” 众武将齐声喝彩,欢呼雀跃。众文臣顿足捶胸,痛不欲生。 长孙皇后对李世民说:“二郎,我想掐死他。” 李世民对长孙皇后说:“观音婢,朕也想掐死他!” 江小白还不知大祸快要临头,依然在那摇头晃脑,得意洋洋。 欲知小白是生是死,请看老江新作《大唐小白》。 本书纯属虚构,并非正史。
文学博士霍青时一朝穿越,成了遂国将军府三少爷,一出生就身带紫光风雨大作,简直是祥瑞转世,难道一开始就要称霸一方? 谁料……说好的三少爷,却是个女儿身!说好的出身将军府,却被遗忘了五年!说好的称霸一方,却连遭毒手! 不过没关系,既然重男轻女,那就女扮男装!既然连遭毒手,那就剑槊相摩!把酒言欢,共赏诗词歌赋,舞剑笑谈,并行骇浪惊涛! 带领女子进入学堂,身披铠甲征战沙场。她霍青时就是要让这个世界看看什么叫巾帼不让须眉,谁说红颜不封侯! 偏偏如此霸道的霍青时,在性子淡漠似冰的皇子陆闲面前,却是没有一点儿嚣张气焰。 “我就不信,老娘似火热情,还融化不了你这块千年坚冰!”
穿越没氪金,不附带原主记忆礼包。 于是叶蓉多了人生三问:我是谁?我在哪?旁边这个傻子跟我什么关系? 发家致富小意思,却惹来吸血亲戚! 前有愚孝爹爹和懦弱娘亲,后有奇葩家族卖她给纨绔当妾! 恶霸少爷虎视眈眈,不离不弃的傻子更是身份神秘。 一块玉佩,牵扯无数麻烦。明枪暗贱,夫君又失踪成瘾…… 如何做一个人生赢家,叶蓉陷入沉思。
甜宠,无虐! 三年前的苏禾遭人设计净身出户,三年后,她王者归来,却不小心跟影帝求婚成功,从此便被泡在影帝的蜜罐里。 都说影帝是花花公子,桃色新闻满天飞,可这结了婚独宠她一人是怎么回事? 某日,记者采访:苏小姐,你喜欢影帝哪一点? 苏小姐高冷脸:我喜欢影帝钱多一点。 记者:秦影帝,她喜欢你的钱,不是真的喜欢你!!! 秦影帝勾唇浅笑,绝代风华:她喜欢我的钱,还不是因为喜欢我!
五年前,眼睁睁的看着心爱的男人被赶出家门,她不但无动于衷,居然还嫁给了他的叔叔。 离开时,他被害瘫痪,原以为坐在轮椅上的日子是最难熬的,没想到,母亲的离世,爱人的背叛,才是最不能承受之痛。 五年后,他强势归来。易家的任何一个人他都不准备放过,特别是他那个婶婶,他一定会把她狠狠踩在脚下……
转业干部吴峥,上任乡长第一天就遭遇下马威,凭着强势的手腕展开绝地反击,一步一个脚印,踏上权利巅峰。 在向上攀登的同时,高官千金是他的红颜,集团女总裁是他的知己,他和这些人共通努力,让老百姓过上辛福生活。
"穿越时空的风,吹拂着明朝的疆土。面对风雨飘摇的大明朝,她一个现代女子,如何才能在这王朝生存下去。 “粮食、军队、人心”这条主线,只要有了这些,保得自身以及家人的安危足以。只是,不知为何,王朝的兴衰竟与她捆绑在了一起。 一代枭雄与她相识于微末,三年两人如家人般相处,十二年离离合合,直到最后危难关头,为卿放下刀兵,双双隐退苦寒之地,促成大明天下一统。 一代奇女子柳心的史诗般人生,一段荡气回肠的爱情传奇......"
"Let's get a divorce. She's back." On the second anniversary of their marriage, Elizabeth was ruthlessly abandoned by Max Hart. She hid the pregnancy test and disappeared from his world. Unexpectedly, Max went crazy from this day on, looking for her all over the world. One day, he saw the woman he had been looking for a long time passing by happily with a baby. "Whose child is this?" Max roared with red eyes.
After five years of marriage, she thought that she had successfully made him change his mind and have feelings for her. It never occurred to her that he would send her to prison for trusting another woman. She decided to go back to her family along with the baby in her belly. Her brothers were in an uproar! Aaron Mullen, her eldest brother, ordered, "My five younger brothers, listen up! Guarding Amelie and teaching the playboy a lesson is our top priority!" Rex Mullen, her second brother, said, "Amelie, chin up. Here, take this black card. Go ahead and go shopping as long as you are happy." Mark Mullen, her third brother, said, "Jewelry is all I have. Amelie, take as many as you want." Sergio Mullen, her fourth brother, stood up as well. Tyler Mullen, her fifth brother, was the same indignant. And Daron Mullen, her sixth brother, doted on her the same. Everyone went all out, afraid that the apple of their eye would be unhappy. Amelie Mullen smiled heartily. On the contrary, Lamont Byron regretted it so much and set out to get her back.
Zayla has been married to Simon for five years. She loves to the bottom of her heart and is as humble as dust, but he protects her sweetheart and tramples her under his feet. She sees through his fickleness and ungratefulness, and understands that there will never be flowers in the dust. Suddenly woke up and divorced quickly! Just when everyone laughed that she must regret it, and when her ex-husband came to ask her to get back together, she transformed herself, inherited hundreds of millions of inheritance, her career became bigger and bigger, and she became the top rich woman of a wealthy family! Divorce is fun for a while, and divorce is always fun! But who would have expected that the ex-husband would change his ways, chase after him, start a humble courtship mode, and chase his wife to a crematorium? ! The ex-husband proposed for the 250th time, "Honey, let's remarry!" "I'm sorry, but being your wife is worse than being your aunt."
On the night of her wedding, Cierra Boyle was sent abroad by her husband. Three years later, Cierra returned but was chased out by a divorce agreement and a letter of breaking off. Everyone was waiting to see Cierra make a fool of herself. They predicted that she would not be able to endure a poor life and would turn back and beg the Boyle family to take her in. Then, she would shamelessly pester Draven Trevino. But later, someone saw Draven standing in front of his ex-wife with a pitiful look in his eyes. "Cierra, when are we going to marry again?"
When they got married, Matthew Clark said she deserved the best. Diamond rings, mansions, and piles of servants, but what she wanted most was missing. Finally, Sophia Mitchell was tired, and a paper of divorce brought an end to the loveless marriage. "I set you free." Tears welled up in her eyes. But she didn't know that their kid was conceived in her belly...
Three years of marriage brought nothing but a thorn to my heart. My child was critically ill and in need of treatment. My husband didn't care and even called me unfaithful. In my desperation, I sold my body and soul in exchange for the recovery of my child. His name was Benjamin. Dominating the underworld and influencing politics, he was like a poppy that impressed, captivated, broke, and disillusioned me. He said that different from the others who approached me only for sex, he wanted every part of me. He also said that I was his only one and that nothing in this world could compare with me. Then he told me that these were all lies. I told him that these were true to me.
Seven years ago, in a betrayal, she stole his information, destroyed half of his wealth, and took away his seeds. Filled with anger, he vowed to find this woman and seek revenge. When he met her again seven years later, she had no memory and only had a gifted baby around her. An adorable child cutely smiled and asked, "Mr. Dominic, do you think you look like me?" Looking at those eyes and facial feature that was similar to his, Dominic’s eyes narrowed in question, “Who are you?" "Maybe you are my long-lost father and I am your son,"
The heroine is the youngest daughter of the Alpha King, and was originally a little princess held in the palm of her hand, but everything changed on her 10th birthday. Alpha's child was supposed to shift on her 10th birthday, but sadly, her Wolf never showed up and she became a disgrace to the Alpha family, a punching bag, bullied by school bullies while being rejected by her own Mate. She decided to leave the Pack at the age of 15, after leaving, she learned that she was a rare fighting golden Wolf, and then she met her second companion, the strongest Wolf king of the Shadow race, Lycan.
After being deceived, she married him in place of her sister when she was pregnant. He was paralyzed and indifferent to her. At night, however, a mysterious man raped her. One day, her paralyzed husband, however, suddenly pressed on her. At this moment, Krystal found herself teased by him from the very beginning. She was irritated: "Dylan, aren't you paralyzed?"